
Sunday, January 27, 2019

LOTRO Store Weapon Skins Collection

I don't know exactly what sparked it. It was either me finding some unique and unused Legendary Items in LOTRO's coding last year or the forums thread wanting some new addition to the LOTRO Store (also from last year), but the developers saw fit to finally introduce these to the game. Almost all of these skins are exclusive to the Store, costing 395 LP apiece. If there's an in-game way of obtaining something here, I'll have made a note below.

Three different sets have been released, the "Soaring Depths," the "Khazad-dûm Vaults," and the "Storied Past" sets. I must point out that these skins have only appeared in the store for limited periods of time, and even then, only one set at a time. Watch the LOTRO Store (or Twitter or the client launcher), as I have, for their next appearance. I'd say once every month or two we've been graced by their presence.

I've collected only certain ones, as I don't have infinite funds to pour into LOTRO's coffers, and I haven't regretted those purchases either!

And, oh yes, I've moved these skins from the other CWP entries to here.

UPDATE: As of 5/9/19, these weapon skins have been made permanently available in the Store!

Soaring Axe of the Depths

Axe of the Khazad-dûm Vaults

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Ward of the Mountains

As this was my second dwarf outfit, I thought I'd just dive in, not put too much thought into what pieces I would use, and follow my fashionable instincts. What resulted was a heavily armored dwarf  that was also armed to the teeth (lots of pointy weapons, too). The outfit itself does feel a bit cumbersome, but it works. The only thing I'm not particularly fond of is the hauberk-style heavy chest piece, the Reinforced Chestplate of the Adventurer. I'm not quite sure if it was that only the top half was plated or how flat and curveless it appears when donned by a stocky dwarf. Then again, I've been getting used to dwarven body structure these past couple months and the U23 skins have made it easier.

Friday, January 11, 2019

2018 Yule Outfit Contest Winners

After seventy two submissions, nearly three weeks, a fair voting process, and some discussion, the outfit blogs of Material Middle-earth, Cosmetic LOTRO, and Wandering Around Arda are proud to finally present the winners of the 2018 Yule Outfit Contest!

As a reminder, each entry was carefully examined against the following criteria:

  • Representative of the Yule spirit or Wintry ambiance.
  • Originality of the overall design.
  • Integration of the various pieces used.
  • Blending of dye colors.
  • Overall impression and quality of the screenshot.

Although it wasn't easy, judging these submissions was truly an honor. All of the outfits we received were beautiful. Lots of care, passion, and enthusiasm went into each and every one. Just from effort alone, I wish it were possible to award everybody a prize. Unfortunately, we could only pick three winners. Before I make the official announcement, I invite everyone to view all of our entries via this Flickr album. Player names are attached to each image.

Without further ado, congratulations to our three fashionistas below!


First Place: 1550 LOTRO Points

Holfi of Laurelin

Head: Wintry Yule Cap (Crimson, random reward from the Sack of Presents during the Yule Festival)
Shoulders: Fur Mantle (Default, Yule Festival barter reward)
Back: Sage's Pack (White, LOTRO Store)
Chest: Ale Association Robe (Crimson, Ale Association reputation barter reward)
Hands: Extravagant Festival Gloves (Red, reward from Gain and Glory: Assist the Rich)
Feet: Ceremonial Ajokoira Shoes (Red, Lossoth Tailor reputation recipe)

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Tempered and Sagacious

Material Middle-earth returns this week with another PvMP-centric appearance. Unlike December's Garrison Commander outfit, this one can be acquired, in full, without entering the Moors, but requires mithril coins to purchase. Normally, I don't post outfits that rely so heavily on real money (or ungodly luck from Hobbit Presents), but this something I love sporting on my Lore-master. And it feeds my shameless and often unsatiated love for the color purple.