
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter Series - A Long Expected Yuletide

Why not kick off the Yule Season with a very simple and easily obtainable outfit? Well, mostly obtainable. The Fine Elven Circlet can only be earned from the Anniversary Festival gift boxes. If you don't have it, there's no need to worry! This cosmetic set still looks wonderful without it. With a little work for the upcoming Yule Festival, you can earn most of these easily without having to worry about instance grinding, leveling or endgame. Versus seeing these festival exclusives on stationary models found on the LOTRO forums and blogs, I wanted to give you an idea of how these look combined and in motion. And if you're a first timer to this season in LOTRO, you've got a wonderful idea of what to expect!

This year, the Yule Festival will run from December 18th, 2013 to January 14th, 2014.

I can't explain it, but this is just perfect for Hobbits! Or maybe Hobbits just make everything look adorable. Maybe I should just include my Hobbits on my blog more often. I've yet to even touch Dwarves...I can never get outfits to look right on them. Anyway, when outfitting a Hobbit, you've got to keep a few things in mind. First being, they're shorter and stockier than Elves and Men, which makes most armor pieces look fuller. Two, many of shoulder pieces found in the game don't do well on Hobbits--they'll clip more than other races with the cloak and chest pieces you equip. Three, don't be surprised if your boots/shoes disappear while outfitting. Plenty of pieces will reveal their hairy feet or show their toes poking out from under a dress!

One of the more disappointing aspects of Festival cosmetics is that they don't often feel right outside the appropriate time of year. When outfits go out of season, I generally replace them with another or I simply don't activate that outfit slot. I've even noticed that trend in other MMOs that I play. Harvestmath rewards suddenly vanish into the vaults or are sold on the auction houses around late November. Yule Festival pieces tend to disappear after late January or early February. Oh, if only some of these pieces could be used year-round and not feel out of place...I would be a very happy person!

Here's hoping this is a great start to a wonderful season! If I have time, I'll squeeze in a couple double posts between now and January 1st.

Head: Fine Elven Circlet (Default, Anniversary Festival gift box)
Shoulders: Yule Scarf (Crimson, Yule Festival token reward)
Back: Fancy Winter Cloak (Forest green, Yule Festival token reward)
Chest: Wintry Yule Robe (Forest green, Yule Festival token reward)


  1. I am really looking forward to the Yule festival this year. It will be the first festival I will get to participate in since my return to Lotro and Yule has always been my favorite festival. I agree with you about how the outfits from the festivals only really fit the season they come out in. I'd love it if they made perhaps wintery outfits for yule that could be used all year long.

    1. Welcome back Devonna! I'm glad to see you're back and posting again :)

      I've seen a small handful of seasonal cosmetics stick around during the entire year. The Yule Festival ones are the rarest. If anything, I'll see someone running about wearing the Yule Tunic and Pants or the Snow-dusted Traveling set. Even then, it's usually zone-specific attire. Who knows what this year's festival will bring!

  2. Oh my gosh!! This is so cute, I absolutely love the reds and greens and whites. Very well done!
    I'm really excited for the Yule Festival! Thanks for reminding me that it's just around the corner!

    1. You're welcome! I'm very much looking forward to Wednesday too!

  3. Daaaawww. That is adorable - I seriously need to play my hobbit characters more. A very Happy Yuletide to you, Nathrien!

    1. I've been busting my behind learning how to outfit hobbits...about as much as I have been with dwarves! Not quite used to it, but they're works in progress. : )

      Happy Yuletide to you as well!

  4. umm hallo i am just getting into cosmetics for LOTRO and i was wondering if you could give me any tips

    1. Welcome to the community! I would love to give you some tips, but since I don't exactly know what you're looking for and outfitting is a immense topic, I'd recommend reading a wonderful guide written by Starry of The Starry Mantle. It covers all of the basics and provides you with a few good places to start your initial outfits. Because Blogspot doesn't hyperlink anything included in replies, just copy and paste this link to your address bar:

      I hope this helps, and good luck! : )

  5. Oh and i also noticed that you play on gladden, I do too in fact I already have one character with good cosmetics i would love to show you sometime I am not a new player to LOTRO and i love to write
