This is the second installment of the one-handed Clubs collection. There is something noteworthy about this particular weapon class. Starting with the supreme tier, the crafted clubs, both Legendary Items and standard clubs, all share the same skins with several maces. I don't have an answer as to why that was done, but this is why some of these skins are going to look very familiar. To be honest, I almost omitted them, but the collection feels more complete with them.
As usual, if you see another method of obtaining a particular appearance, please let me know in the comments!
Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 59 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders found in Bree, 21st Hall, Lothlorien, and The Great Delving |
Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the First Age, level 60 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders found in Bree, 21st Hall, Lothlorien, and The Great Delving
Crafted Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 60 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 53 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders found in Bree, 21st Hall, Lothlorien, and The Great Delving |
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the Second Age, level 60 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Crafted Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 65 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name |
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the Second Age, level 65 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Reshaped Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the First Age, level 65 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name |
Crafted Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 75 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the Second Age, level 75 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name |
Reshaped Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the First Age, level 75 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name |
Crafted Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 85 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name |
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the Second Age, level 85 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name |
Reshaped Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the First Age, level 85 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name |
Holly Club - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 55 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders in Bree, 21st Hall, Lothlorien, and The Great Delving
Golden Host Club of Force or Striking - Crafted from the Golden Host Club recipe |
Smooth Holly Club - Critical output of the Holly Club recipe
Ilex Club - Crafted from the Ilex Club recipe
Crafted Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 95 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name |
Smooth Ilex Club - Critical output of the Ilex Club recipe
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the Second Age, level 95 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Crafted Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the Third Age, level 100 - Crafted form the recipe of the same name |
Reshaped Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the First Age, level 95 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Minstrel's Club of the First Age, level 59 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders in Bree, 21st Hall, Lothlorien, and The Great Delving |
Reshaped Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the First Age, level 100 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Minstrel's Club of the First Age, level 100 - Crafted form the recipe of the same name |
Silver Ilex Club of Combat - Crafted from the Silver Ilex Club recipe
Golden Host Club of Defence or Warding - Crafted from the Golden Host Club recipe |
Peerless Silver Ilex Club of Combat - Critical output of the Silver Ilex Club recipe
Well-worn Half-troll's Club - Random drops from any T1 chest in the Osgiliath instance cluster |
Westemnet Club of Discipline - Crafted from the Westemnet Club recipe
Agile Club of the Doomfold - Crafted from the Club of the Doomfold recipe |
Agile Club of the Abyss - Bartered from the Master of Mordor Lore in
the camp across from the Ruins of Díngarth. Also found inside the
Abyssal Weapon Coffer from the Abyss of Mordath.
Agile Club of Expedition's Vanguard - Bartered from the Quartermaster (Gorgoroth Rewards Vendor) in Mordor. Multiple clubs from this vendor
share this skin. |
Although in LOTRO's coding, this club skin was been lost over time or was never implemented.
Calengrond |
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