
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Sword Skins Collection, Part 3

It's been some time since I started Cosmetics Weapon Project section. Originally, this was meant to be a collection of the weapons I'd owned or had tucked away in storage. By the time I'd finished the main categories, this project evolved to contain crafted weapons (even though I'd never used them), rare quest weapons, and hidden, unused skins (some of which have been released through the LOTRO Store).

Swords had been one of the first categories uploaded, which meant it didn't get the same amount of time, effort, and thoroughness as the others. This post is meant to correct that oversight, further fleshing out swords. There are some skins feel like they should be here, especially among the LIs, but have already been featured in the first two installments.

As usual, if there's another way of obtaining one of the skins listed below, please let me know in the comments.

 Ancient Steel Sword - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

 Bright Steel Sword - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Bronze Sword - Crafted from the recipe of the same name 

Dwarf-crafted Sword - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Elven-steel Sword - Crafted from the recipe of the same name 

Forged Dwarf-craft Sword of Combat - Crafted from the Forged Dwarf-craft Sword recipe

Forged Elven-steel Sword of Combat - Crafted from the Forged Elf-steel Sword recipe 

Forged Steel Sword of Tactics - Crafted from the Forged Steel Sword recipe 

Gondorian Sword - Crafted from the recipe of the same name 

Iron Sword - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Polished Gondorian Sword of Combat - Crafted from the Polished Gondorian Sword recipe

Polished Westernesse Sword of Combat - Drafted from the Polished Westernesse Sword recipe

Steel Sword - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Reforged Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Second Age, level 60 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Crafted Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Third Age, level 65 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Reforged Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Second Age, level 65 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Crafted Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Third Age, level 75 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Reforged Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Second Age, level 75 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Reshaped Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the First Age, level 75 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Crafted Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Third Age, level 85 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Reshaped Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the First Age, level 85 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Crafted Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Third Age, level 95 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Reforged Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Second Age, level 95 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Crafted Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the Third Age, level 100 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name 

Reshaped Minstrel's/Champion's/Warden's/Burglar's/Guardian's/Captain's/Hunter's Sword of the First Age, level 95 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

 Fine Blade of Expedition's Vanguard - Bartered from the Quartermaster (Gorgoroth Rewards Vendor) in Mordor. Multiple swords at this vendor also share this skin.

 Fine Blade of the Abyss - Bartered from the Master of Mordor Lore, found in the camp across from the Ruins of Díngarth. Also found in the Abyssal Weapon Coffer, dropped in the Abyss of Mordath.

Fine Blade of the Doomfold - Crafted from the Blade of the Doomfold Recipe

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