
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Blog Update

Greetings everybody!

I apologize for my absence. I've been very busy this summer juggling a ton of RL events and 50-60 hour work weeks, leaving me little free time. Although I currently have no upcoming outfits, I still pop my head into LOTRO every now and let everyone know I'm still alive and well. I don't exactly know when I'll be able to create more outfits, but I'd assume that my life will resume some normalcy come September. *fingers crossed* I barely had time for LOTRO's Summer Festival this year, but it was enough to burn my Badges of Taste for most of the new cosmetics.

I know some of you have also asked me questions through the contact form. I also apologize for the lack of replies. I've seen your messages and I have a post-it note stickied to my PC monitor to respond ASAP. That'll happen over the next week or so. (And please check your junk folder every now and then after messaging me...I've had reports of my replies going directly there.)

I have some good news, though! I've slowly been working on the upcoming shields section for my Cosmetic Weapons Project. Having taken well over 100 screenshots before this grueling summer started, I've been able to at least format the pictures for upload. I still have to type all of the text and code the HTML pages for them. I also don't know when I'll have those entries up, but they are definitely on the way!

Thank you so much for your patience!


And in the meantime, please enjoy this small selection of outfits, each worn by a different model over the years. Simply click on the picture and follow it to the appropriate outfit!