Just as the title says, this is the second installment of the dagger collection. The LI daggers around seen here, most of them sharing similar appearances with each other. The differences are incredibly subtle and hard to see on such small weapons.
As usual, if you see another way of obtaining any skin shown here, please let me know in the comments!
Crafted Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Hunter's
/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Third Age, level 85 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the First Age, level 59 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders found in Bree, the 21st Hall, The Great Delving, and Lothlorien
Reshaped Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's
/Hunter's/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the First Age, level 65 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the First Age, level 60 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders found in Bree, the 21st Hall, The Great Delving, and Lothlorien
Dagger of the Nimble - Goes by many similar names, but the skin drops from lootboxes of level 50 and lower. Commonly seen on the AH.
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 54 - Extremely rare drop best farmed in the early areas and instances of Moria
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 56 - Extremely rare drop best farmed in the mid-level areas and instances of Moria
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 60 - Best farmed in high level Moria instances like The Vile Maw or in Dar Narbugud
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/Hunter's
/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 60 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Third Age, level 52 - Best farmed in the early areas of Moria or southern areas of Eregion
/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Third Age, level 62 - Best farmed in early Mirkwood and Enedwaith
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Third Age, level 60 - Best farmed in Lothlorien and the early areas of Mirkwood
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Third Age, level 55 - Best farmed in the mid-level areas of Moria or bartered from the Legendary Item Traders found in Bree, the 21st Hall, The Great Delving, and Lothlorien
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Third Age, level 75 - Best farmed around Nan Curunir in Dunland and The Brown Lands in The Great River.
Burglar's Dagger of the Third Age, level 90 - Skin crafted exclusively by the Relic-master for 2,884 shards.
Burglar's Dagger of the Third Age, level 95 - Skin crafted exclusively by the Relic-master for 5,768 shards.
Peerless Thain's Dagger of Combat or Deflection - Critical output of the Thain's Dagger recipe
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 57 - Extremely rare drop best farmed in the later areas and instances of Moria
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Hunter's/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 100 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Reshaped Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Hunter's/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the First Age, level 100 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Thain's Dagger of Combat - Crafted from the Thain's Dagger recipe
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Hunter's/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 85 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Reshaped Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Hunter's/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the First Age, level 75 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name.
Sad-bidog - Rare drop from the T2 Fangorn's Edge non-challenge chest
Unearthed Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Hunter's/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of First Age, level 100 - Bartered from any Roving Threat Quartermaster
Precise Warrior's Dagger - Critical output of the Warrior's Dagger recipe
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 59 - Best farmed from the higher level instances and areas in Moria.
Reforged Beorning's/Burglar's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's/
Hunter's/Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the Second Age, level 65 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name.
Warrior's Dagger - Crafted from the Warrior's Dagger recipe
Sellsword's Dagger - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Sellsword's Sharpened Dagger - Critical output of the Sellsword's Dagger recipe.
Wildermore Dagger of Agility - Bartered from the People of Wildermore reputation vendors
Wildermore Dagger of Fate - Bartered from the People of Wildermore reputation vendors
Keen Skean of the Doomfold - Crafted from the Dagger of the Doomfold
Keen Skean of the Abyss - Bartered from the Master of Mordor Lore in
the camp across from the Ruins of Díngarth. Also found inside the Abyssal Weapon Coffer from the Abyss of Mordath.
Keen Skean of Expedition's Vanguard - Bartered from the Quartermaster (Gorgoroth Rewards Vendor) in Mordor. Multiple daggers from this vendor
share this skin.
Wildermore Dagger of Power or Stamina - Crafted from the Wildermore Dagger reputation recipe. A guilded weaponsmith can also craft this with the appropriate reputation level.
And here is a dagger currently unobtainable in LOTRO, either lost over time or never implemented despite being in the game's coding.
Minstrel's/Warden's Dagger of the First Age, level 58
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