Saturday, December 14, 2024



In honor of purchasing Gundabad, my first impulse was creating another dwarven outfit. Two cosmetic bundles came with the Ultimate tier, the Fateful Gundabad set and the Gundabad Reclaimer set. I didn't particularly like the Reclaimer one, given how bulky and plain it was. Neither did it dye very well. However, the Fateful set offered far more flexibility. Largely a grey colored set, dyes affected the  dwarven patterns etched across the midsection of the chestplate and the central cloth tasset of the leggings. 

I've always been curious as to why, as of Update 23, Where Dragons Dwell, dwarven clothing became characterized by a stylized celtic block pattern. It made it easier to coordinate what other pieces I'd mix with the Fateful set. I drew, mainly, from the Ironfold crafting tier and Grey Mountains reputation vendors.

For my first outfit in three years, this was a solid start. It came together quickly and easily. And it also integrates some pieces I've never used. Being away for this long turned out to be both a burden and blessing. It took a while to get into a rhythm. I can't mix and match outfits in my mind like I once could. And I've forgotten what many of the cosmetics looked like. As daunting as that was, it, at the same time, gave me a chance to clean out my wardrobe, remove some of those overused cosmetics and replace them with new items. For the forseeable future, each outfit will contain at least one piece I've never used or rarely used.

Head: Circlet of the Seven Stars (Umber, classic skirmish camp vendor - Annuminas light set - level 55 version)
Shoulders: Enduring Pauldrons of Stonehelm (Umber, crafted from the Shoulder Guards of Stonehelm recipe)
Back: Cloak of Crystal Resolve (Grey, Anniversary Festival barter item)
Chest: Fateful Gundabad Chestplate (Gold, Gundabad Ultimate Fan Bundle cosmetic)
Hands: Swift Gages of Stonehelm (Umber, bartered from the Dwarf-holds Rewards Quartermaster)
Legs: Fateful Gundabad Greaves (Gold, Gundabad Ultimate Fan Bundle cosmetic)
Feet: Sabatons of Stonehelm (Umber, crafted from the Boots of Stonehelm recipe)

Weapon: Sealed Crafted Champion's Great Axe of the Third Age (crafted from the Sealed Crafted Champions's Great Axe of the Third Age recipe, level 95 version)

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