Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Great Axe Skins Collection

I'll admit that I've never gone out of my way to collect great axes (or greataxes, for an alternative spelling--but LOTRO uses the two word alternative). Almost all of my characters in LOTRO use setups revolving around sword and board, dual wielding, and the occasional halberd or great sword. As such, my collection is very limited and sits under a layer of dust in storage. With the aid of the plugin ItemTreasury, I scanned the database to see if I'd missed anything worthwhile...and I did. I discovered some very beautiful or unique skins that aren't accessible, which I've included at the very end. Similar to my post on great swords regarding one-handed swords, several great axes share appearances with one-handed axes, just on a larger scale.

A special note--Beornings have a slightly reduced pool of LIs than other classes. I don't know the reasons why, but it might be due to their late introduction to game. This applies especially to Second Age and First Age weaponry that drops on the landscape or in instances, even though they can cosmetically use them. However, the crafted and bartered LIs remain unaffected. This just means you'll need to do some extra farming for certain ones.

As usual, I'll share what I've collected here. If you see a skin here that's obtainable elsewhere, please let me know in the comments.

 Forged Steel Headsman's Axe of Combat - Output of the Forged Steel Headsman's Axe recipe

 Galadhrim Headsman's Axe of Combat - Output of the Galadhrim Headsman's Axe recipe

Heavy Iron Headsman's Axe of Might - Output of the Heavy Iron Headsman's Axe recipe
Great Axe of the Beornings, level 22 - Best farmed in the early Lone-lands or Barrow-downs
(And yes, this is a DX11 screenshot taken on Ultra High. It's a low-res model on any graphic level)

 Forged Elven-steel Headsman's Axe of Combat - Output of the Forged Elven-steel Headsman's Axe recipe

 Polished Gondorian Headsman's Axe of Combat - Output of the Polished Gondorian Headsman's Axe recipe

Polished Westernesse Headsman's Axe of Combat - Output of the Polished Westernesse Headsman's Axe recipe

Thain's Great Axe of Combat - Output of the Thain's Great Axe recipe

Peerless Thain's Great Axe of Combat - Critical output of the Thain's Great Axe recipe

 Beorning's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's Great Axe of the First Age 59 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders in 21st Hall, Bree-town, Lothlorien, and the Dolven-view

 Beorning's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's Great Axe of the First Age 60 - Bartered from the Legendary Item Traders in 21st Hall, Bree-town, Lothlorien, and the Dolven-view

 Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's Great Axe of the Second Age 57 - Best farmed in the higher level zones and instances of Moria 

 Beorning's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's Great Axe of the Third Age, level 52 - Best farmed in the early areas of Moria and the southern areas of Eregion

 Defender's Great Axe - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

 Forged Dwarf-craft Headsman's Axe of Combat - Output of the Forged Dwarf-craft Headsman's Axe recipe

 Polished Ancient Steel Headsman's Axe of Combat - Output of the Polished Ancient Steel Headsman's Axe recipe

 Reforged Beorning's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's Great Axe of the Second Age 95 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

 Reforged Beorning's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's Great Axe of the Second Age 100 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name
Reshaped Beorning's/Captain's/Champion's/Guardian's Great Axe of the First Age 100 - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Replica of Lorchathol - Drops from Gorgoroth lootboxes or can be bartered from the Traveller's Quartermaster in Bree-town, Galtrev, or 21st Hall.

 Sellsword's Great Axe - Crafted from the recipe of the same name

Warrior's Great Axe - Crafted from the recipe of the same name


Here are some greataxes that don't drop anywhere in the game (at least that I know of), even though they're coded into LOTRO. Hopefully, these too, will be acquirable one day.

 Dulír - Known as the "Double-blade," an axe once forged in the Greenwood of old

Uigam -Known as the "Axe of Day and Night," crafted by men for the Battle of the Gladden Fields


It seemed a waste to remove this image, so I'll leave it for posterity. This is the original skin of the War-axe of Khand (Bartered from the Defenders of Minas Tirith Quartermaster). This was misclassified as a one-handed axe skin. Versus making it a two-handed one, SSG reduced its size to that of a one-handed axe. To see the updated skin, follow this link to the Axe Skins Collection, Part 2 page and look towards the bottom of the list.


  1. why the nicer skins are always unobtainable T___T

    1. I've been asking myself that question since I started this endeavor. I'm hoping all of these "lost" skins will be noticed by someone from SSG and put back into the game for collecting!

  2. Wow, so this is what the game looks like on Ultra High! Amazing! I love great axes & have seen these all except Dulir, Uigam, & the 2nd age Lvl 57. Also there are two First Age Lvl 59 axes listed here. I believe one of them is supposed to be Lvl 60. But thank you for this collection! This is wonderful! :-) - Aranora

    1. It's been some time since I uploaded this collection and it needs some work in the future, provided I can find the time. Anyway, thank you for noticing the typo with the FA axes...I'll correct that shortly.

      And as for Uigam and Dulir, it'd be great if they're added to the loot pools or vendors some day!

  3. They took the only nice 2h axe and made it a One hander - fuck this game.


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