Saturday, June 30, 2018

Martial Weapons Master

Orange. When have I ever made an orange outfit? I've only done it once for a seasonal harvest outfit. Otherwise, it's been a color I've avoided. But why did I decide to use it again? I've been obsessed with the Winged Blade, is one of the few purely cosmetic greatswords found in LOTRO. I've had trouble incorporating into an already existing outfit. Nothing seemed to work. Instead, I used my High Elf Captain--as I've been doing lately--to make an outfit that revolved around the sword, using the colors and designs in the hilt, pommel, and guard as a base.

Honestly, it really was a roundabout way to build an outfit. Given the sword's unique design, I felt this was the only approach. I had to dig deep into my library and LOTRO's database to find dragon-themed equipment (or something passably similar) and other various sharp-edged and complimentary gear. I ended up pulling from the Anniversary Festival's Unflagging Dragon set, the Slayer's Raiment set from Mordor, and the Draigoch sets. There just wasn't much to use.

Eventually, I did assemble something visually pleasing. Filling the head slot was the most challenging. The pictured circlet, which is optional, was an aesthetic choice. It had the curves and edges that resonated with this particular look. I tried searching for helmets, but to no avail. The Draigoch helmets didn't have the right feel. The helmet from the Unflagging Dragon set was too elaborate. The one from the Slayer's Raiment set had feathers, which clashed with the rest of the set.

Kinda crazy, wasn't it? All this work to match one sword?

The most important thing to note about this outfit is that it wasn't the first version. This is actually the second. I completely scrapped the first look after letting it sit on my character for a solid three months. It never grew on me and it took a long time to think of a replacement. I've actually added the original version to the bottom of this blog entry with pictures from the original photoshoot. It's astonishing that the only piece these two vastly different outfits share is the Winged Blade. Not a single piece of clothing was kept in the transition. Just goes to show that even I scrap entire projects after "finishing" one.

Head: Ceremonial Hat of the Written Word (Orange, skirm camp cosmetics vendor -- Moria Light Armor)
Shoulders: Pauldrons of the Unflagging Dragon (Orange, Anniversary Festival token reward)
Back: Cloak of the Unflagging Dragon (Orange, Anniversary Festival token reward)
Chest: Breastplate of the Slayer's Raiment (Rust, bartered at the Vendor of Rare Oddities in Mordor)
Hands: Gloves of the Tireless Sentinel (Orange, Adventurer's Quartermaster in Galtrev)
Feet: Boots of the Unflagging Dragon (Orange, Anniversary Festival token reward)

Main-hand Weapon: Winged Blade (Bartered from the Master-weaponist in The Wastes)


The original outfit:

Head: Turquoise Summer Circlet (Orange, LOTRO Store dyeable version)
Shoulders: Potent Combat Pauldrons of Eomer (Imladris fallen leaf, T8 Tailor recipe)
Chest: Lesser Blade of the West Breastplate (Imladris fallen leaf, Harndirion Novice's Quartermaster vendor -- Champion armor)
Legs: Lesser Arrow of the West Leggings (Imladris fallen leaf, Harndirion Novice's Quartermaster vendor -- Hunter armor)
Hands: Lesser Cry of the West Gauntlets (Imladris fallen leaf, Harndirion Novice's Quartermaster vendor -- Captain armor)
Feet: Scout's Weathered Leather Boots (Rust, Dunland quest reward)


  1. I only recently found your blog, but out of all the LoTRO outfit sites I have found, this one stands out by far. The outfits, especially this one has so much tiny details that come together, making a amazing outfit overall. Thanks for sharing and excited to see the next one!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you like this one, given how much of a struggle it was to compliment the Winged Blade.

      I try to post a new outfit every other Saturday. Not too sure about this month, as the weapons project has consumed most of my downtime.

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